Thursday, September 25, 2008

After Dark

Ben was driving his four wheeler when he saw them. He didn't even have time to climb off. His gun was strapped on the back, so it took him a fewer moments. But the deer were curious and stop to look. This gave Ben the advantage. The buck was about 50 yards away. The bullet went right through the buck. The deer didn't run to far. It was after dark by the time he came back to the house to get the truck and a few friends. He hung it up and skinned it. We were up until 11:30 taking care of the buck. Oh yeh, it was a 2 point on one side and 3 point on the other. Probably a 2 year buck. For Kentucky it would be a 5 point. I will post a picture tomorrow. Now he is looking forward to Elk season in a month. Up date you later.